SELLING in spain
We have the know-how you need in 6 simple steps
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Step 1 Free Valuation
The first step is to find out what your property is worth in the current market. Our property expert will have done extensive research before visiting your property allowing us to give you an accurate valuation. Of course, the final price rests with you.
Step 2 Listing your property
Once you have decided to sell and we have agreed a price it is time to list your property. Our experts will need access to the property in order to take quality photos and may offer advice regarding the presentation if they feel it will enhance the photos. We will require all the information you have regarding the property, then proceed to sign a listing contract.
Step 3 Marketing
Inspired Homes Marbella are members of a multi listing network with access to over 700 collaborating agents, we also mail shot our existing database, have many direct clients and share our properties with our overseas associate partners. This exposure gives you the best chance of obtaining the best price in the shortest period of time. Of course, if you wish us to be more discreet and just market to selected clients, that can also be arranged.
Step 4 Viewings
Easy access is essential to give us the best chance of selling your property. At Inspired Homes Marbella we understand that showing a property is not just a question of opening the door, our agent will have an in depth knowledge of the development and the local areas in order to gain maximum exposure for each potential buyer. After each viewing we will provide you with feedback as soon as possible.
Step 5 Offers and Negotiation
Once an offer has been received we will notify you along with any conditions attached to the offer. Often a little patience is required to obtain the best possible price. We will mediate in this process and once an offer has been accepted we will sign a reservation form and inform your lawyer.
Step 6 Exchange of Contracts/Completion
Once the necessary legal checks have been completed by the buyer´s lawyer you can either exchange contracts, whereby you will receive 10% of the agreed sale price, or you can go straight to completion - this will depend on what was agreed in step 5. On the completion date all parties will meet at the public notary where any outstanding debts on the property will be settled and you will receive the remaining funds whilst handing over all the keys to the buyer.